Warrilow, Rowen
Rowen, a native of Owen Sound on the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, encompassing the sister nations of Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation and Saugeen First Nation, has woven a rich tapestry of experiences that led her on a journey to find her sense of ‘home.’ Her quest took her to different parts of the globe, including China, Vietnam, Portugal, Spain, France, Newfoundland, and even Alberta for a spell.
Rowen’s first introduction to the west coast was Salt Spring Island, where they discovered that British Columbia was the place she could unequivocally call home. Through her ventures, she has come to realize that her true passion lies in roles that involve fostering community and connection, whether through the realms of food, education, or now, art. Rowen finds deep contentment in contributing to the building of vibrant communities.