Supernatural Eagle
Supernatural Eagle Bringing the Sun Back to the World
William Good and Joel Good

According to a family legend shared by William Good and Joel Good
“When the Raven stole the sun, the world was plunged into darkness. The Raven was once white, but when he stole the sun, he was burned to his bluish-black color, never to steal the sun again.
During the time of great darkness, the people prayed to the Creator for light and the Creator sent a messenger from the heavens, the Supernatural Eagle.
The Supernatural Eagle carried the sun in his chest and the light shone through his wings, bringing the sun back to the world and saving the people.
The Supernatural Eagle represents enlightenment, healing, peace and connection to the heavens. The wind masks represent the four directions of the Wind, who transported the Supernatural Eagle on his journey to the world. They also encompass the power of the Wind, who carries us on our individual spiritual and artistic journeys.”
The Gallery acknowledges with gratitude major donors who helped to fund this project:
- Hal & Donna Baldwin
- Laura Bevan & David Gaudet
- Julie Bevan & Chad Oakenfold
- Chateau Wolff Estate Winery
- City of Nanaimo
- Daphne Samuel Culley in memory of Peter James Culley
- Ian Gove
- Government of Canada
- Norman & Dianna King
- Allan, Heather, Stephanie, & David Pastro
- Ramsay Lampman Rhodes
- Rotary Club of Nanaimo
- The Stanley de Vos Fund at the Nanaimo Foundation
- Kerry Vandenheede
- Deborah Zorkin